Tuesday, December 27, 2011

aNtaRa BeRfoYA-FoYa dan FiNaL!!

Assalamualaikum... salam sejahtera... halloooooo friends......................

currently i am updating my status on my lovely king bed in my room in the city of bayan lepas.. and the state of PENANG!! huh panjangnya.... nk stright to the point... aku balik penang!!!!! hahahaha

well!! secara jujurnya... tulusnya... ramai yg terkejut ngan tindakan aku balik penang di saat nk study week ni... mau nya x terkejut aku stay di penangg smpi la 4 jan.,.. exam aku akn bermula pada 6 jan nanti.. korg yg baca ni terkejut x??  antara soalan y diajukan... " knapa lama sgt?" cmna nk study?" "boleh ka stdy kat rumah?"

actually kan kawan2 yg bertanya..... sy lagi selesa study di rumah... semua complete.... sy ada EMAK saya yg sentiasa mmberi sokongan,..., ABAH saya yg sentiasa menyokong saya.... dan ADIK2 saya yg suka mngacau tu..hahaha.... saya senang nk stdy bila family saya dekat ngan saya.....

Lain org lain caranya kan...hmmmm...... so nk jdkan cerita utk kita kaitkan dengan tajuk entry kali ni.... sepanjang cuti nih...... banyak la aktiviti yg saya lakukan ngan kawan2 saya,..... mereka sentiasa membuatkn aku xterhenti ketawa,... tersenyum... mmbuatkan saya terlupa segala masalah yg terbeku di otak ni....  tq kawan........

so hari ni...... hari yang sangat bermakna..... i was having a great time with my precious babes, Rissa Ederra and Aifa Zuhairah.... kitorang g snap2.. makan2.... dan tgk wayang... Alvin and the chipmunks..... memang best movie 2... tp kegembiraan movie  xdapat nak dibandingkan dengan pertemuan dan masa yang diluang dengan my precious babes ni!! sgt2 bermkna.... full of laughter..........

My freind is all of these!

Friendship is to trust
Friendship is having the kindness to help
Friendship is giving to others without thinking
Friendship is being there when someone need you
Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day
Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive
Friendship is listening
Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to
Friendship can be many things
Friendship is different for everyone
Friendship could be holding a hand for support
Friendship is lending your shoulder to cry on
Friendship is mellow
Friendship is giving back
Friendship is only taking that what you need
Friendship can be that voice of reason you give
Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed
Friendship stands the test of time
Friendship is show in many different ways
Friendship can be everlasting
Friendship is not always an easy thing
Friendship is hard to break apart
Friendship is strong
Friendship should never be taken for granted
Friendship is meant to be shared with all
Friendship is free and rewarding to share
Friendship can be unforgettable
Friendship is priceless to many
Friendship is a secret never to be told
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do
Friendship is not judging no matter what
Friendship is to share, the joy and the fear
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
Freindship is just knowing they are there
Freindship is very personal
Freindship is all of thes things and many more
This is are how I see friendship
To have a true friend is the best thing to achieve
We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them

saya sayang anda wahai rissa ederra dan Aifa Zuhairah... sayangnya Wann and kirin xdapat ikot.... wann kami rindu hang tau dak!!!!!

so ini lah yg saya wat sepanjang stdy week ni.. study??? jgn risau.... sy xpernah lupa pon....... guys.. doakan yang terbaik utk my final exam ok!!!!! 

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